CSC 452/652/752 - Spring 2025 - Graduate/Honors Project

Graduate students and undergraduates taking this course as a “contract honors” class will complete a project on a more advanced topic from theory of computing, going beyond the core material that is covered in the class. Requirements, deadlines, and more information is below.

General Requirements and Expectations

This is intended to be a solid computer science report, with a high standard for scientific writing and rigor. Formulas, theorems, and proofs are important and should be included as appropriate. As for the length of the paper, something around 10 pages (11 or 12 point font, single spaced, with 1 inch margins) should be enough to cover the important parts. There’s no need to try to write about everything that’s out there related to your topic. If at any point you are uncertain about what is expected, or if you would like some guidance, please contact me – don’t just make guesses about what you should do!

Milestones and Deadlines

Immediately following the second mid-term exam, we will take some time in class to discuss the project. We will talk about some possible topics, although students are not limited to just those topics and can select a topic on their own as long as it is relevant to the class and approved by the instructor.

The major “project milestones” are explained below, with due dates.

Final Notes

Remember that the writing should be entirely your own – it is not acceptable to copy text from anything, whether it is a book, a paper, or the web. My general advice to people is this: Investigate and read as much about the topic as you can until you really understand it, taking some light notes. Then you should know the topic well enough to put aside all your references, and do the writing without looking at the original material. That ensures that the writing is coming from you and not the reference material.