"Algorithmic Combinatorics on Partial Words" by Francine Blanchet-Sadri, Chapman&Hall/CRC Press 2008.
The tutorial Preliminaries on Partial
Words by Dr. Francine Blanchet-Sadri is available.
The powerpoint presentation entitled Basic
XHTML and CSS by Margaret Moorefield is available.
The LaTeX
Tutorial by Stephanie Rednour and Robert Misior is
The Beamer
Tutorial by Charles T. Batts is
For a detailed account of a specific week, click on the week number.
Week 1
orientation, preliminaries on partial words, description of problems,
creation of teams, team meetings, technical writing
Week 2
LaTeX tutorial, team meetings, technical writing |
Week 3 |
basic XHTML and CSS, team meetings, technical writing
Week 4 |
initial student presentations, team meetings, technical writing
Week 5 |
team meetings, technical writing
Week 6 |
team meetings, technical writing, guest speaker Nathan Wetzler
Week 7 |
Beamer tutorial, team meetings, technical writing
Week 8 |
team meetings, technical writing,
final student presentations |
Robert Mercas
Brian Shirey
Emily Allen
Carnegie Mellon University
Brandon Blakeley
The University of Texas at Austin
Cameron Byrum
University of Mississippi
James Carraher
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Michelle Cordier
Kent State University
Josh Gunter
The University of Texas at Austin
Rachel Kirsch
University of Maryland-College Park
A. Rashin
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick
Kristen Wetzler
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
Elara Willett
Oberlin College
Papers and Websites
- F. Blanchet-Sadri, Emily Allen, Cameron Byrum and Robert
“How many holes can an unbordered partial word contain?”
in A.H. Dediu, A.M. Ionescu and C. Martin-Vide (Eds.), LATA 2009, 3rd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory
and Applications, April 2-8, 2009, Tarragona, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5457, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009, pp
- F. Blanchet-Sadri, Emily Allen, Cameron Byrum, Mihai Cucuringu and Robert Mercas
“Counting bordered partial words by critical positions.”
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 18, 2011, #P138.
Brandon Blakely, F. Blanchet-Sadri, Josh Gunter and Narad Rampersad
“On the Complexity of deciding avoidability of sets of partial words,”
in V. Diekert and D. Nowotka (Eds.), DLT 2009, 13th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory, June 30-July 3, 2009,
Stuttgart, Germany, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5583, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009, pp 113-124
(expanded version in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 411, 2010, pp 4263-4271).
F. Blanchet-Sadri, James Carraher and Brian Shirey,
“Strong periods in partial words.”
F. Blanchet-Sadri, Michelle Cordier and Rachel Kirsch,
“Border correlations, lattices, and the subgraph component polynomial.”
in J. Kratochvil and M. Miller (Eds.), IWOCA 2014, 25th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, October 15-17, 2014,
Duluth, Minnesota, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, to appear.
F. Blanchet-Sadri and Robert Mercas,
“A note on the number of squares in a partial word with one hole.” RAIRO-Theoretical Informatics and
Applications, Vol. 43, 2009, pp 767-774.
F. Blanchet-Sadri, Robert Mercas and Kristen Wetzler,
“The three-squares lemma for partial words with one hole,” in WORDS 2009, the 7th
International Conference on Words, September 14-18, 2009, Salerno, Italy.
F. Blanchet-Sadri and Robert Mercas,
“The three-squares lemma for partial words with one hole,” Theoretical Computer
Science, Vol. 428, 2012, pp 1-9.
F. Blanchet-Sadri, Robert Mercas, Abraham Rashin and Elara
Willett, “An answer to a conjecture on overlaps in partial words using periodicity
algorithms,” in A.H. Dediu, A.M. Ionescu and C. Martin-Vide (Eds.), LATA 2009, 3rd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory
and Applications, April 2-8, 2009, Tarragona, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5457, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009, pp
F. Blanchet-Sadri, Robert Mercas, Abraham Rashin and Elara
“Periodicity algorithms and a conjecture on overlaps in partial words,”
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 443, 2012, pp 35-45.
Rachel Kirsch received the Higginbotham Award from the University of Maryland's Department of Mathematics. It is an award for the junior mathematics major showing the greatest promise in mathematics.
Brandon Blakeley was selected for Honorable Mention in the Computing Research Association's Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award
competition for 2010.
Rachel Kirsch was named a Philip Merrill Presidential Scholar.
Josh Gunter received a Fulbright Fellowship.
Cameron Byrum was named a Taylor Medalist for the University of Mississippi.
Kristen Wetzler received the Droke-Dunn Award for Outstanding Seniors from the Mathematics Department of the University of
Brandon Blakeley won the Intel Foundation Award for Excellence in Computer Science Research.
Michelle Cordier received the Harshbarger Scholarship and the Distinguished Student Leadership Award from Kent State University.
Josh Gunter was awarded the Best Undergraduate Thesis Award from The University of Texas at Austin based on his REU research. He was also named
a distinguished college scholar.
Brandon Blakeley received a graduate research fellowship from the National Science Foundation in 2010.
Brian Shirey, “Periods, Partial Words, and a Result of Guibas and Odlyzko,”
SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Burlington, Vermont, June 19, 2008 (joint work with
F. Blanchet-Sadri).
Brian Shirey presenting the paper entitled “Periods, Partial Words, and a Result of Guibas and Odlyzko” at DM 2008, SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Burlington, Vermont, June 19, 2008.
Michelle Cordier, “Combinatorics on Border Correlations of Partial Words,”
International Conference on Automata, Languages and Related Topics, Debrecen, Hungary, October 22, 2008
(joint work with F. Blanchet-Sadri, Mihai Cucuringu and Rachel Kirsch).
Michelle Cordier presenting the paper entitled “Combinatorics on Border Correlations of Partial Words” at the International Conference on Automata, Languages and Related Topics, Debrecen, Hungary, October 22, 2008.
Emily Allen, “Counting Distinct Partial Words,”
International Conference on Automata, Languages and Related Topics, Debrecen, Hungary, October 22, 2008
(joint work with F. Blanchet-Sadri, Cameron Byrum, Mihai Cucuringu and Robert Mercas).
Emily Allen presenting the paper entitled “Counting Distinct Partial Words” at the International Conference on Automata, Languages and Related Topics, Debrecen, Hungary, October 22, 2008.
From left to right, F. Blanchet-Sadri, Michelle Cordier, Rachel Kirsch, Mihai Cucuringu, Emily Allen and Cameron Byrum, attending the International Conference on Automata, Languages and Related Topics, that was held at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Debrecen, Hungary, from October 21 to October 24, 2008.
Rachel Kirsch, “Combinatorics on border correlations of partial words,”
Joint Mathematics Meetings, AMS Session on Combinatorics, II,
Washington, DC, January 6, 2009 (joint work with F. Blanchet-Sadri, Michelle Cordier and Mihai Cucuringu).
Cameron Byrum, “How many holes can an unbordered partial word contain?,”
3rd International Conference on Language
and Automata Theory and Applications, Tarragona, Spain, April 6, 2009 (joint work with Emily Allen, F. Blanchet-Sadri and Robert Mercas).
Cameron Byrum presenting the paper entitled “How many holes can an unbordered partial word contain?” at the 3rd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, Tarragona, Spain, April 6, 2009.
Robert Mercas, “An answer to a conjecture on overlaps in partial words using periodicity algorithms,”
3rd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications,
Tarragona, Spain, April 6, 2009 (joint work with F. Blanchet-Sadri, Abraham Rashin and Elara Willett).
Robert Mercas presenting the paper entitled “An Answer to a Conjecture on Overlaps in Partial Words using Periodicity Algorithms” at the
3rd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, Tarragona, Spain, April 6, 2009.
From left to right, Robert Mercas, F. Blanchet-Sadri, Emily Allen and Cameron Byrum, attending the 3rd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, Tarragona, Spain, from April 2 to April 8, 2009.
Josh Gunter, “On the complexity of deciding avoidability of sets of partial words,”
13th International Conference
on Developments in Language Theory, Stuttgart, Germany, June 30, 2009 (joint work with Brandon Blakeley, F. Blanchet-Sadri and Narad Rampersad).
Josh Gunter presenting the paper entitled “On the complexity of deciding avoidability of sets of partial words” at the 13th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory, Stuttgart, Germany, June 30, 2009.
F. Blanchet-Sadri, “The three-squares lemma for partial words with one hole,”
7th International Conference on Words, Salerno, Italy, September 18, 2009 (joint work with Robert Mercas and Kristen Wetzler).
Kristen Wetzler attending the 7th International Conference on Words, Salerno, Italy, September 17, 2009.
Travis Mandel, “Computing periods in partial words,”
SIAM Conference on Discrete
Mathematics, Austin, Texas, June 16, 2010 (joint work with F.
Blanchet-Sadri, James Carraher, Brian Shirey and Gautam Sisodia).
Travis Mandel presenting the paper entitled “Computing periods in partial words,” at the SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Austin, Texas, June 16, 2010.
Michelle Cordier, “Border correlations, lattices, and the subgraph component polynomial,”
IWOCA 2014, 25th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Duluth, Minnesota, October 16, 2014 (joint work with F.
Blanchet-Sadri and Rachel Kirsch).
F. Blanchet-Sadri chaired a session for DM08 SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics that was held in Burlington, Vermont, June 19, 2008.
F. Blanchet-Sadri was on the program committee of the International Conference on Automata, Languages and Related Topics, Debrecen, Hungary, October 21-24, 2008.
F. Blanchet-Sadri chaired a session for International Conference on Automata, Languages and Related Topics, Debrecen, Hungary, October 24, 2008.
F. Blanchet-Sadri chaired a session for 3rd International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications, Tarragona, Spain, April 7, 2009.
T-shirt designed by the participants of Summer 2008