- Assignment 1: Due Thursday, February 7
Problem 4 on the homework involves writing a program to see how well
simple letter frequency information works for decrypting a
monoalphabetic substitution cipher. The full problem statement is in
the assignment, and you should use the three test files below, which
are small, medium, and large files. The files themselves are encrypted
versions of text taken from Project
Gutenberg -- the smaller files are excerpts, while the large file
is a full book. To keep things to the straight English prose, the
Project Gutenberg license has been cut out - refer to the original
versions for full license information. On the assignment: Don't expect
simple letter frequencies to give you correct English text - the main
thing is to see whether this gives you enough of a starting point
where you can make some sense out of it as a first step to refining a
solution (you don't need to do this part). Is the decryption clear
enough so you can figure out what book these samples come from?
Test data files: test1.txt
Sample code: C++ sample and Java sample
- Assignment 2: Due Tuesday, February 26
- Assignment 3: Due Tuesday, April 2
- Assignment 4: Due Tuesday, April 16
- Assignment 5: Due Tuesday, April 30